Sunday, July 3, 2016

On Cooking

Rule: A gentleman creates masterpieces that satisfy his body and soul

Trained in a variety of styles, the gentleman is able to prepare exquisite meals with minimal tools and preparation that sate hunger, quel thirst and convey his undying commitment to the culinary arts. Careful to use only the freshest and rarest of Earth's inner treasures, a gentleman understands the need for balance between immediate and sustainable culinary pleasure. Cooking according to the season the gentleman is able to extrapolate flavors and minimize seasoning. The result of such careful planning is a meal suitable for royalty, but deemed worthy to be the symbolic equivalent of his damsel's beauty. 

Rule in practice: During the courtship of a lady, a gentleman can often prove his valor by taming the kitchen and returning victorious with multiple courses. Having armed himself with a variety of dishes, each meal the gentleman has prepared will carry his lady on a buccal journey that is the perfect equilibrium between erotic and conventional. Done properly, she will leave with an awakened sense of self and a deep gratitude for a meal that was as tantalizing as it was robust.